Good afternoon! I am writing to you this evening from my front patio. I was blessed with a beautiful table for my patio. It is so nice to sit out here and feel the breeze and listen to the crickets and the frogs...aahh the country life.
For about six months now I have been trying to find ways to save money. I started couponing back in January. This has been a learning experience for me but one that I welcome! I mean, who doesn't like FREE stuff and saving money?

I never realized just how much you can save using coupons! Just this week alone I saved about $150 on my grocery bill, almost half of what I spent. I am not as good as the ones on TLC's Extreme Couponing, but I am working my way there! Check out some of my "LIKES" on my
FACEBOOK page. There are too many too mention them all, but check them out for ways to save on your grocery bill too!