This week has been a very hard week for me. I watched childhood friends bury their oldest son. Such a tragic loss of a young life, and then I faced some trying times in my own family. I won't go into the details but I will say this, there was a time this week when I thought this burden was too heavy and I just couldn't do it any more. My heart was shattered into a million pieces and I didn't know if it could ever be put together again. I have buried two children, and this pain I was experiencing was just as devastating to me as those losses.
I knew there were people praying for me. Some knew what we were going through, others didn't but still prayed. It was through the power of their prayer and their wise council which helped to turn things around for me. Have the circumstances changed? No, not completely, but that's OK, because MY OUTLOOK on it has changed! What I thought was hopeless wasn't. When I cried out to God that this load was too heavy and I couldn't carry it anymore...He heard my cry! He carried this load.
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He showed me that there is still HOPE! He renewed my strength, my very spirit. When I was overwhelmed, He calmed me. When my spirit was troubled, He calmed the storming sea inside of me and brought me peace which surpasses all understanding.
We have a long way to go before we will be on the other side of this, but it will be OK! We do not have to go through it alone. He is there to carry us through it all.
Friend, when your world is collapsing around you cry out to Jesus to lighten your load. You have your life, you have your family. Pull them close to you and thank God for the gift they are! When someone tries to destroy your family, fight for them! Let the world outside know that no matter what they are YOUR GIFT FROM GOD and you will not take them for granted and you will not sit back quietly and watch them be hurt. Hang on tight to those blessings and know that you aren't alone in what you are facing! Many others have walked a mile in your shoes. They understand how devastating this is to you and they are there to help you. Don't lose site of the light at the end of the tunnel. It may be dimmed by the tears and the hurts, but it is there! Pick yourself up, be willing to see the TRUTH even when it hurts, and decide to walk in that truth.
It was through the prayers that went up for me this week that I was able to see that light getting brighter and brighter. The power of these prayers have shown me that the hurt was dimming my eyes. Hurt is like a big bunch of briars in the wilderness. They snag you and can hold you hostage. Don't hang on to those hurts. Release them. As you do, they, too, will turn you loose. You will walk out with scrapes and bruises, scratches and some scars, but YOU WILL WALK OUT into the LIGHT of LOVE and the arms of your family.
I pray that you will listen to the video below and find the hope buried in you! Nothing is so big we can't overcome it. We can't do it alone, but we don't have too! God is there to help us, and He puts family and friends in our lives to help us. SEARCH FOR YOUR HOPE! IT'S THERE!
Blessings to you all!