Nestled in the Mississippi River Bluff town of Committed to being Natural cleaners have also been a large part of its diverse product mix as far back as 1917, when the company first launched Natural Vegetable Oil Soap made with pure vegetable oils and no animal bi-products, fillers or colors. Almost a century ago its advertisements boasted "Just pure soap, that's all"... and "Pure enough to eat!" As globally-minded as its customers, Watkins now aims to make household chores a little easier with its newest line of J.R. Watkins Natural Home Care cleaning products. Made with refreshing lemon and lavender oils and highly effective plant derived surfactants, Watkins diverse line of cleaners are safe and effective for your home and your family. Responsible manufacturing processes are as important as its commitment to providing natural, consumable items for everyday life. By utilizing gravity- fed filling, biodegradable packing materials, as well as strict recycling programs and much more, Watkins is devoted to leaving the smallest environmental footprint possible. Since moving from |
Milestones In Watkins’ 141-Year History
1868 J.R. Watkins Medical Company founded in Plainview, Minnesota. Launch of first product, Red Liniment.
1869 Introduction of Trial Mark™ bottle—America’s first money-back guarantee.
First Watkins factory building erected in Winona, Minnesota.
1895 Introduction of Watkins Vanilla Extract, Black Pepper and Cinnamon.
1901 Publication of first Watkins Almanac, Home Doctor and Cook Book.
1911 Death of J.R. Watkins.
Architecturally significant administration building completed at a cost of $1.2 million.
1913 International expansion begins with branch office in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
1917 Watkins Vegetable Oil Soap introduced, made purely of vegetable oils with no animal bi-products, fillers or colors. Advertisements boasted "Just pure soap, that's all"... and "Pure enough to eat!"
1920 Product line reaches 100 selections.
1922 Herb tablets (vitamins) introduced.
Watkins receives Gold Medal honors at Paris International Exposition for vanilla, black pepper, cinnamon and other pure spices.
1942 90 percent of Watkins’ production capacity dedicated to the WWII Allied effort.
Bill Porter begins his 50-plus year career with Watkins; his story of working “door-to-door” with cerebral palsy will inspire countless news stories and a television movie.
1960 Watkins ads appear live on NBC’s “Today” show, hosted by Dave Garroway.
1978 Watkins Incorporated is acquired by Minneapolis entrepreneur Irwin L. Jacobs.
1990 Watkins quadruples in size under Jacobs’ ownership. Customer direct delivery offered.
1996 Watkins expands natural product line.
1997 Mark Jacobs named president; wellness product line is refined and expanded.
1999 Watkins counts over 350 products.
2002 Door to Door, the heartwarming TNT movie inspired by the life story of Watkins salesman, Bill Porter, debuts; wins 6 Emmy Awards, including Best Made-for-TV Movie and Best Actor (William H. Macy).
2003 Watkins celebrates 135th Anniversary.
To increase brand awareness and distribution, Watkins makes select products available through specialty retailers, grocery stores, and drugstores/pharmacies.
Watkins launches Good Tastings™ by Watkins sampling/sales program for its direct selling Associates.
To increase brand awareness and distribution, Watkins makes select products available through specialty retailers, grocery stores, and drugstores/pharmacies.
Watkins launches Good Tastings™ by Watkins sampling/sales program for its direct selling Associates.
2004 Watkins launches into mass retail with Vanilla and Pepper in Wal Mart. Watkins participates in sponsorship of Grand Excursion - a celebration of the 150th anniversary of the completion of the railroad that connected the East and West sides of the country. Approximately 20 boats participate in the re-enactment of the trip from Rock Island, IL to St. Paul, MN on the Mississippi.
2005 Watkins launches J.R. Watkins Apothecary line into Target stores nation-wide. Watkins forms partnership with Chinese Businessman, Wang Chao Bin, offering more than 100 products to the Chinese market. Watkins facilities in Winona, MN are added to the National Register of Historic Places.
2006 Watkins launches line of USDA Certified 100% Organic Spices in Wal Mart.
Watkins Pure Vanilla and Watkins Organic Black Pepper is awarded the Cooking Club of America Member Tested and Recommended Seal of Approval. Watkins launches first national print campaign since the 1960's.
Watkins Pure Vanilla and Watkins Organic Black Pepper is awarded the Cooking Club of America Member Tested and Recommended Seal of Approval. Watkins launches first national print campaign since the 1960's.
2007 New York Mets pitcher Johan Santana endorses Original Liniment.
J.R. Watkins Natural Home Care line launches.
J.R. Watkins Natural Home Care line launches.
2008 J.R. Watkins Natural Apothecary line launch, along with line extension of natural, pure spices.
The Natural Products Association has granted the J.R. Watkins Natural Apothecary products the NPA Seal of Compliance. To earn this coveted seal, products must be made out of at least 95% natural products from renewable and sustainable resources.
The Natural Products Association has granted the J.R. Watkins Natural Apothecary products the NPA Seal of Compliance. To earn this coveted seal, products must be made out of at least 95% natural products from renewable and sustainable resources.
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