Good afternoon! What a beautiful, HOT day we have here in the South today. I have been trying to decide what to plant in my garden this year. It's getting time to think about it. I always wait until after Easter to set anything out because here in South Carolina we always have a cold snap right around then.
and the prices are going higher and higher. What do we plan to do about it? I plan to grow as much of my own as I can and since this is a year of New Beginnings...learn all I can about canning and preserving my harvest. I remember being a little girl and watching my grandmother can fruits and veggies and make her own jams and jellies. I wish I had learned more about what she was doing...It's never to late to learn though and this is what I intend to do and to teach it to my children.
How do you plan to spend your summer? Will you do any gardening and putting up your harvest? Do you have any gardening tips that you would like to share? Leave us comments. I need to learn all I can...and there may be others who enjoy learning new tips and tricks to a productive garden as well.
Do you start your seeds inside or do you plant them straight into the ground? Last year I started mine inside. I didn't want a bunch of little plastic containers to throw out into a landfill. So, what did I do? Well, I found this great tip on YouTube, and I will share it with you here. I made my starter pots from newspapers. Why do this? Well, I was able to plant the pot and all into my garden, and not hurt the environment. Call it "Green Gardening" if you will. See the video below for the instructions on making these!
Happy Gardening! You may want to check out some of our dips and seasonings to add that special flavor to your harvested veggies!
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