Today we look at part 2 of the Arrangement of the Camps. We move to the right from East to South...continuing to move in God's mercy.
Arrangement of the Camps Part 2 | Prayer Communication with God
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About Me

- Regina Sanders
- Regina Sanders, a South Carolina native, exemplifies resilience and triumph. After surviving cancer and facing disability, she found strength in online gigs that allow her to work from home. Regina is also an author. Her book, *My Cup Runneth Over: A Survivor's Guide to Walking Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death*, available on Amazon, offers hope and guidance for others on similar journeys, showcasing her unwavering spirit and dedication to helping others.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Arrangement of the Camps | Prayer Communication with God
Walking humbly is walking tall. Join me today for Part 1 of a series on the Malchut of Hod and Numbers chapter 2. It is here we learn the importance of the arrangement of the camps.
Arrangement of the Camps | Prayer Communication with God
Arrangement of the Camps | Prayer Communication with God
Friday, May 16, 2014
Humility of Humility | Prayer Communication with God
: the quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people.
Humility of Humility | Prayer Communication with God
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Keeping The Commandments | Prayer Communication with God
For I will turn My face to you. I will make you fruitful and multiply you, and establish My covenant with you...
Keeping The Commandments | Prayer Communication with God
Keeping The Commandments | Prayer Communication with God
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Blog | Prayer Communication with God | #Prayer|#Encouragement|#Relationships|#BeMore
Do you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, like a black cloud is hanging over your head? Click the link below to learn about three qualities of endurance, and how they may affect you. God bless you!
Blog | Prayer Communication with God | #Prayer|#Encouragement|#Relationships|#BeMore
Blog | Prayer Communication with God | #Prayer|#Encouragement|#Relationships|#BeMore
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
What Do You Call The Place That God Occupies In Your Life? | Prayer Communication with God
Have you ever thought about the place God occupies in your life? If so, what do you call it? If not, think about it a moment, what would you call it? Does it matter? Before you decide, read the post below. God bless you!
What Do You Call The Place That God Occupies In Your Life? | Prayer Communication with God
What Do You Call The Place That God Occupies In Your Life? | Prayer Communication with God
Monday, May 5, 2014
Monday, April 28, 2014
Malchut of Gevurah | Prayer Communication with God
We are ambassadors of God, created in His image, how well do we reflect on Him?
Malchut of Gevurah | Prayer Communication with God
Malchut of Gevurah | Prayer Communication with God
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Honor Your Father And Mother, But What About Your In Laws? | Prayer Communication with God
Honoring your in laws is an extension of the love and respect you have for your spouse. Are your branches growing or being snipped off?
Honor Your Father And Mother, But What About Your In Laws? | Prayer Communication with God
Honor Your Father And Mother, But What About Your In Laws? | Prayer Communication with God
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Examining, Re-examining, and Refining Your Life | Prayer Communication with God
Is the weight of the world resting on your shoulders as you juggle one task and then another? Journey with me to see the love in discipline and why multitasking may not be the most effective way of doing things.
Examining, Re-examining, and Refining Your Life | Prayer Communication with God
Examining, Re-examining, and Refining Your Life | Prayer Communication with God
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
What Is Blocking You From An Abundant Life? | Prayer Communication with God
If God had made a perfect world, what need would there be for wisdom? So he left shattered vessels for us to repair; and in doing so, we engage a wisdom deeper than that which fashioned the earth, the sun, and the stars.
What Is Blocking You From An Abundant Life? | Prayer Communication with God
What Is Blocking You From An Abundant Life? | Prayer Communication with God
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
What To Say When There Is Nothing To Say | Prayer Communication with God
is like an ocean, it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can learn to do is swim.
What To Say When There Is Nothing To Say | Prayer Communication with God
What To Say When There Is Nothing To Say | Prayer Communication with God
Friday, April 4, 2014
Moving Time and Space | Prayer Communication with God
and seem to be moving constantly. Are we stuck in or moving with ?
Moving Time and Space | Prayer Communication with God
Moving Time and Space | Prayer Communication with God
Friday, March 28, 2014
Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones But Words Will Never Hurt Me | Prayer Communication with God
Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil, Post no evil...what report are we evil report or a righteous report? Which are we receiving? What affect does this have on us and the lives of others? Blessings.
Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones But Words Will Never Hurt Me | Prayer Communication with God
Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones But Words Will Never Hurt Me | Prayer Communication with God
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Life Is An Echo | Prayer Communication with God
Everything we send out in life, every laugh, every sob, every word, every groan, every bit of our energy is echoed back to us. Life is truly an echo. I pray that you will view this post, listen to the video, and be blessed by it. God bless you! <3
Life Is An Echo | Prayer Communication with God
Life Is An Echo | Prayer Communication with God
Monday, March 24, 2014
She Conceives… | Prayer Communication with God
Male/Female, Spiritual/Physical, and so much more! Take a journey with me through Leviticus 12, The Law Of Motherhood. Let's let about the confidence and hope concealed in this message!
She Conceives… | Prayer Communication with God
She Conceives… | Prayer Communication with God
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Sin Or Spiritually Elevated: Is It All In The Perception? | Prayer Communication with God
I would like to invite you to come on a treasure hunt with me through today's portion of Scripture. Was the "strange" #fire that Nadab and Abihu really "sin?" Let's find out! Grab you gear and join me!
Sin Or Spiritually Elevated: Is It All In The Perception? | Prayer Communication with God
Sin Or Spiritually Elevated: Is It All In The Perception? | Prayer Communication with God
Struggling With Personal Acceptance And Self Worth | Prayer Communication with God
My friend, do you struggle with personal acceptance and self worth? Do you tell yourself that you are not worthy of an abundant life because of something in your past? You know what? You aren't alone! Click here to hear Mike Weaver from Big Daddy Weave share his story about this very topic!
Struggling With Personal Acceptance And Self Worth | Prayer Communication with God
Struggling With Personal Acceptance And Self Worth | Prayer Communication with God
Monday, March 17, 2014
The New Beginning | Prayer Communication with God
Each day is a new beginning. It is time for us to Listen, Understand, Connect, and Know ourselves and others. Join me on this post at a look at the eighth day, the new beginning for Aaron and his sons as the High Priest and priests. Let the journey begin....#Prayer #Encouragement #BeMore #Confidence
The New Beginning | Prayer Communication with God
The New Beginning | Prayer Communication with God
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Clogged Drains & My God, My Deliverer | Prayer Communication with God
In your distress you can call out to God for help and He will hear you! He is our deliverer! Blessings.
Clogged Drains & My God, My Deliverer | Prayer Communication with God
Clogged Drains & My God, My Deliverer | Prayer Communication with God
Thursday, March 13, 2014
What Sets Your Mood For The Day? | Prayer Communication with God
Today we look at what the sacrifices of Leviticus can teach us about our service to God and our moods! What "mood" are you in today? #Prayer #Encouragement #BeMore #Confidence #Moods
What Sets Your Mood For The Day? | Prayer Communication with God
What Sets Your Mood For The Day? | Prayer Communication with God
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Worst Critic or Best Cheerleader? | Prayer Communication with God
Worst Critic or Best Cheerleader? How are you keeping the fire burning at the altar?
Worst Critic or Best Cheerleader? | Prayer Communication with God
Worst Critic or Best Cheerleader? | Prayer Communication with God
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Offerings Or Sacrifice: Is There A Difference? | Prayer Communication with God
Offerings Or Sacrifice: Is There A Difference? If so, how does this affect us?
Offerings Or Sacrifice: Is There A Difference? | Prayer Communication with God
Offerings Or Sacrifice: Is There A Difference? | Prayer Communication with God
Creatures of Habit | Prayer Communication with God
We are creatures of habit. In today's post we discover how the habits of the way we think and speak can limit the blessings God has in store for us. Please read along with me, and share with your friends. The time is NOW for an #life!
Creatures of Habit | Prayer Communication with God
Creatures of Habit | Prayer Communication with God
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Sabbath Questions | Prayer Communication with God
Jesus said, "I DESIRE COMPASSION, NOT A SACRIFICE." Are we showing compassion to our brothers and sisters? Check out the post below to see to whom Jesus was speaking and why He elaborated on His desire. God bless you.
Sabbath Questions | Prayer Communication with God
Sabbath Questions | Prayer Communication with God
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Blog | Prayer Communication with God | #Prayer|#Encouragement|#Relationships|#BeMore
When we persistently seek God,he hears our prayers and answers.
Blog | Prayer Communication with God | #Prayer|#Encouragement|#Relationships|#BeMore
Blog | Prayer Communication with God | #Prayer|#Encouragement|#Relationships|#BeMore
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
The Holy Space of Marriage And Its Connection To The Tabernacle | Prayer Communication with God
Marriage is a holy space and by studying the offerings in Leviticus 1 - 5, we can learn how to care for our holy space. Just as God instructed Israel on making the offerings acceptable to Him, he teaches us how to make our offerings, service, and marriage acceptable.
#Prayer #Encouragement #BeMore #Marriage
The Holy Space of Marriage And Its Connection To The Tabernacle | Prayer Communication with God
#Prayer #Encouragement #BeMore #Marriage
The Holy Space of Marriage And Its Connection To The Tabernacle | Prayer Communication with God
Monday, March 3, 2014
Service With Sacrifice | Prayer Communication with God
What does your service to God and others look like? Read the post below to see what we can learn for on to #God. May you be blessed!
Service With Sacrifice | Prayer Communication with God
Service With Sacrifice | Prayer Communication with God
Thursday, February 27, 2014
God, The Greatest Caregiver of All | Prayer Communication with God
God, The Greatest Caregiver of All | Prayer Communication with God
God is truly the greatest caregiver of all! #Prayer #Encouragement #BeMore #Caregiving #Grief
God is truly the greatest caregiver of all! #Prayer #Encouragement #BeMore #Caregiving #Grief
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Gifts Received | Prayer Communication with God
Just as God provides gifts to us, we can offer gifts to Him and He will receive them!
#Prayer, #Encouragement, #BeMore
Gifts Received | Prayer Communication with God
#Prayer, #Encouragement, #BeMore
Gifts Received | Prayer Communication with God
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Build Your Confidence, Own Your Value | Prayer Communication with God
Do you know your value? How do you see yourself? Do you like what you see? How does God see you? Can you look at yourself through His eyes? You are valuable to God, to me, your family, and everyone you encounter! #Prayer, #Encouragement #BeMore
Build Your Confidence, Own Your Value | Prayer Communication with God
Build Your Confidence, Own Your Value | Prayer Communication with God
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
About | Prayer Communication with God
Come visit and see what Prayer Communication with God is all about! See who we are and how we may be able to help you move forward in life. Don't remain stuck in the mud! We are here to help! #Grief, #Prayer, #Encouragement, #BeMore
About | Prayer Communication with God
About | Prayer Communication with God
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Christ in Me…How Does This Help With Grief? | Prayer Communication with God
Christ in Me…How Does This Help With Grief? | Prayer Communication with God
Get your FREE download of Learning To Walk Again After Grief
Get your FREE download of Learning To Walk Again After Grief
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
A Blessed Reality | Prayer Communication with God
This week we have been introduced to the divine architecture of Holiness. What is your perception of it? Are we walking in a blessed reality? #Prayer #Encouragement #BeMore
A Blessed Reality | Prayer Communication with God
A Blessed Reality | Prayer Communication with God
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
The Coverings | Prayer Communication with God
The Coverings | Prayer Communication with God
Are you walking in your prayer covering this morning?
#Prayer #Encouragement #BeMore
Are you walking in your prayer covering this morning?
#Prayer #Encouragement #BeMore
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